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Our mission is to connect those who are building the new earth systems and to give them the resources and community support that they need to achieve their vision and self actualization, whether as individuals or organizations. We seek to bring forward a specific resonance of love to build these new ways of being.


House of Balance is a BRIDGE - to support people in their next evolution as individuals and as conscious organizations


House of Balance is a BASECAMP - a place of congregation for global citizens to find themselves, find each other, and elevate


House of Balance is a TEMPLE - dedicated to love, the only truth that heals and transforms everything in it's path



During the WEF 2022, a group of close friends decided to host a series of intimate dialogues around the concept of Balance. During this event, a tight knit formed around the shared values of Inclusivity, Collaboration, Coherence, Joy, and Love.


The House of Balance registered over 1100 attendees in Davos 2023, and has grown into a global volunteer community of active contributors and working groups in key impact sectors.



A Unified Resonance   - poem by Dr Victor Pineda


Beyond the boundaries of ego,

A love that knows no bounds,

Transcendent love, pure and glowing,

That lifts us from the ground.


A connection to the Divine,

A love that knows no end,

Eternal and infinite,

It knows no time, no bend.


It is not limited by self,

Or bound by personal desire,

Transcendent love, a love so pure,

It sets our souls on fire.

It transcends the boundaries,

of our individual selves,

A love that connects us all,

into the universe it delves


It is a love that is not bound,

By time or space,

A love that is eternal,

A love that is our grace.


Transcendent love, a love so true,

That connects us to the divine,

A love that lifts us up,

And makes our hearts to shine.

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